July 27, 2024

Fuel Girl: Trin

This month’s bombshell is Trinity form the North East, and she looks amazing on the Throttle Life custom R-1.  A big thanks to Leon Britton and ThrottleLife.com
PFM:Where are you from Trinity?
Trin: I was born in Washington D.C. …raised in Maryland
PFM: What do you get into in the DC area?
Trin: Typically the nightlife. I normally would hit a bar up or a lounge. Or my fav spot down on U street at Aleros
PFM: Do you travel out of the area much?
Trin: Not really, i’m looking into traveling more outside the dmv (DC, Maryland, Virginia) . Preferably out the country more since I have a passport now.

PFM: What’s your ethnic background

Trin: Well my mother is American, black & Native American and my father was Salvadorian & Italian. I have the best of both worlds. I love being biracial!
PFM: That’s quite a mix, speaking of exotic, don’t you own a bobcat?
Trin: Yes I own a 5 month old Bengal kitten. His name is Kal-El. He’s my baby.
PFM: Kal-el, like Superman??
Trin: Yup that’s exactly where his name came from
PFM: So Trinity is a Nic-Name? how’d you get that?
Trin: Yes I’ve shortened it to Trin. I actually gave that name to myself I’ve always liked it from the matrix! I guess u can say that’s my model name.
PFM: Awesome, maybe we’ll see you back in a Matrix themed shoot!
Trin: I don’t know, you might, not a bad idea!
Check out Trin on Insagram: @the_trin and on Twitter @twitter trin_portillo
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