February 8, 2025

Shop Highlight: A Buff and Beyond Automotive Solutions

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A Buff and Beyond is not your average car detailer. We came across this shop while looking for some added protection for the freshly painted 650i show car. The 650i was re painted after a mishap back in February, We brought it to Chris Turner (owner of A Buff And Beyond) even on new paint, it didn’t look like it needed any extra work, but Chris passionately insisted “I can really make this thing shine, even new paint doesn’t show to it’s full potential.” He started to go into technical detail about his processes, that’s when we know we were dealing with a pro, not just a guy who will wash and wax your car. New paint requires 30 days to cure before you can do anything to it, so on day 31 after the new paint, the 650i was dropped back to his shop for the full Buff and Beyond treatment and installation of CQuarts Finest ceramic Paint protection. Chris is one of only about 100 certified installers of CQuartz Finest and other CQuartz Products. Check out our test and review on CQuartz Finest ceramic paint protection.

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Chris puts the finishing touches on the 650i after giving it the CQuartz Finest treatment.


A Buff and Beyond services all car types. If you want to protect your build, you have to take care of your build and keep it looking immaculate. Paint correction is vital in rejuvenating worn out and weathered paint. Paint becomes worn looses it’s brilliance over the years from UV rays, acid rain, road dust and debris, and improper car care. Every major detail starts with a paint correction in witch Chris and his staff painstakingly removes all of the fine scratches and swirls from a paint job unlocking your car’s true shine potential. Once the paint is restored, there are a few different treatment options you can choose from based on your budget and desired level of protection.

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Up close and personal, Chris polishes the hood of this one of a kind Liberty Walk Audi R8. Even when you think a car is looking it’s best, Chris’s trained eye sees what can be improved as he unlocks the hidden potential, even in the most exotic custom builds.


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Every build is unique, Chris takes the time and care to address every curve and contour and detail of the intricate Liberty Walk wide body  R8.
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After polishing, Chris checks the surface with a high powered flash light to detect any lingering Paint swirls, microscopic “spider web” scratches, and other paint contaminants. He will not move on until every imperfection has been addressed.

As mentioned before, normal wear and tear along with improper car care can be major sources of damage to your paint. Once your car has been restored to better than new glory, Chris will take time to to show you the best way to wash and maintain your refreshed ride using the proper products. A Buff and Beyond also goes the extra mile in sharing knowledge and training. If you’re an aspiring detailer, A Buff And Beyond can provide professional training and instruction, you may also catch a Buff and Beyond at local car shows showing folks how it’s done.

There’s a good chance Chris loves your car more than you do, well at least your paint. Before turning your keys back to you, he makes sure that you know the proper methods of washing and maintaining your beautiful rejuvenated finish.
Chris and his team provide instruction to a group of BMW enthusiasts at a BMW Car Club of America event.


Tricks of the trade. The Grit Guard keeps loose dirt and debris from settling on your wash rag and getting back on your car where it will wreak havoc on your paint. Along with instruction, Chris will school you on the proper gear you need in order to maintain your finish. This and other specialized detailing gear you need can be purchased directly from A Buff And Beyond, you can’t find most of this stuff in stores.


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